Track: Test Automation
The key to success in test automation is defining the structure and hierarchy of the testware. This simplifies the test design approach and allows the incorporation of test as a parallel activity to development in an Agile environment with short iterations.
First, the presentation illustrates how to achieve the requirements’ testability, controllability, and observability.
Second, four principles of testware design are presented:
- Nested relationships of the test objects (test set, use case, test case, and test action) – to maintain the hierarchy of architecture and requirements
- Libraries of test cases that describe the specifics of the test execution – to separate the business functionality from the implementation details
- Enforced structure of a test case (including steps for setup, execution, comparison, cleanup) – to guarantee the recovery from failure
- Test language that supports the test hierarchy – to simplify the testware maintenance.
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Session Speaker:
Gregory Solovey – Technical Staff Member, Alcatel-Lucent
Gregory Solovey is a distinguished member of the technical staff at Alcatel-Lucent. He holds a Ph.D in CS (Thesis – “Hierarchical test design for microprocessor systems”) and has more than 25 years experience in quality assurance and software testing management. Mr. Solovey specializes in establishing test processes, implementation of test design methodologies, and test automation. He has more than 60 publications and patents in the fields of hierarchical test design and automation framework.