F10 – 404: Pairing with Developers

Track: Agile Testing

eveloper pairing is becoming a more common practice in larger companies as more software teams are using Scrum, XP, Agile, and other iterative development lifecycles. As more testers are coding, and more developers are testing their code, the line between developer and tester is blurred more than ever before. The speaker will share what went well and challenges faced during tester/developer pairing on an Agile project at Adobe. Testers have an opportunity to influence quality earlier by pairing with programmers creating features at different phases in the project. Testers can provide a valued service by asking developers how the software will behave under certain conditions. These questions give the testers a deeper understanding of how the software under test should behave. In return, the programmer gets a preview of the tests that are likely to be run on the software. By walking the tester through their code, a developer is reviewing their own work while giving the tester a deeper understanding, test ideas, and a chance to ask key questions. “What was the most challenging aspect of this code?” Testers who know the answer have an advantage in analyzing the risk and can increase the odds of finding high impact bugs earlier. Programmers who pair with testers get a preview of cases they may have missed preventing bugs.

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Session Speaker:

Lanette CreamerLanette Creamer – Senior Consultant, Sogeti
After 10 years at Adobe, Lanette is now a Senior Consultant with Sogeti. She is currently working as a Test Lead at Starbucks. Lanette has been evangelizing test collaboration for the past 5 years. With a deep passion for collaboration as a way to increase test coverage, she believes it is a powerful solution when facing complex technical challenges. She actively participates in the testing community. She has written two technical papers and a published article on testing in ST&P Mag January 2010 (now ST&QA magazine).
Visit Lanette’s blog: http://blog.testyredhead.com
Contact her at: lanette.creamer@gmail.com