F10 – 403: Ever Been Fooled by Performance Testing Results?

Track: Performance Testing

Have you ever been in a situation where Performance testing results could fool you? What is meant by “data”? Is it possible to get control of it? This session consists of presenting tips on how to get control of the performance testing results and its evaluation process. Bringing a real live experience to the audience, several case studies will be shown so the participants can help to evaluate the presented data.

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Session Speaker:

Mieke GeversMieke Gevers – Consultant, AQIS
Mieke Gevers has been in the IT industry for 22 years and is managing director at Agile Quality in Information Systems (Aqis). She has a Bachelors of Computer Science and started her career as a software developer, later moving on to various positions as analyst, project manager and, ultimately, QA Manager for several different companies in the Benelux region and Germany. Until November, 2006 she has been with Segue Software, Borland for more than eight years rising from Technical Sales Engineer, Technical Manager, EMEA/APAC, Alliance Architect EMEA/APAC to Solution Architect, EMEE at Borland. Having developed special interest in the techniques and processes relating to test environment management and the impact of environmental factors on automated testing, she is a regular speaker throughout Europe, the United States, Asia and Australia. She is also EuroSTAR’s country coordinator for Belgium and a member of the Eurostar 2007 & 2009 Program Committee. In 2006, she co-founded “the Belgian Testers Organization” and recently became a board member of KVIV and BNTQB (ISTQB). She has also been working with different automatic testing tools, specializing in performance testing and monitoring.