Track: Hands-On Practicals
This double-track session integrates the previous talks and applies them, simulating real software testing. After a quick exercise to create teams of 2-6 testers (or bring your own), you will be plunged into the real world of software testing: Fun challenges, delivered under time pressure and conditions of uncertainty. Teams will be judged on coverage, bugs found, the quality of the communication they have with “management” and “the rest of the technical staff”, new approaches and strategy/leadership. Stick around after the competition, because prizes will be awarded on the main stage Thursday morning.
Bring your laptop, your mobile device, your mind, and your best test ideas to this high-paced race for test excellence.
See you on the playing field.
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Session Speaker:
Matt Heusser – Principal Consultant, Excelon Development
Matthew Heusser is a consulting software tester and software process naturalist who has spent his entire adult life developing, testing, or managing software projects. A contributing editor at STQA Magazine, Matt is an elected member of the board of directors for the Association for Software Testing, has been a part-time instructor of information systems at Calvin College, and recently served as lead editor for “How to Reduce the Cost of Software Testing” (Taylor and Francis, 2011). You can follow Matt on twitter at mheusser or email him