Track: Test Strategy, Process and Design
If the pace of development and technology are two to three times as fast, what new advances are happening in software testing? The moderator will poll topics from the audience, then use the K-Card Method to evaluate the attention of the room, expanding on topics the room would like to discuss and moving on as energy fades.
From Cloud Computing to Mobile, Lean Software Testing to Exploratory Test Automation, Crowdsourced testing, privacy and security, this advanced session is sure to provide insights into today’s challenges in software testing — and how to solve them. In addition to talking points, each expert will provide a paper summary for all attendees, including pointers and links.
Session Takeaways:
- A summary of cutting-edge issues in software testing, along with cutting-edge solutions
- A handful of ideas to try on Monday, some with little or no cost
- A balanced discussion of how those ideas have worked for a variety of experts
- References for where to go for more
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Session Speaker:
Matt Heusser – Principal Consultant, Excelon Development
Matthew Heusser is a consulting software tester and software process naturalist who has spent his entire adult life developing, testing, or managing software projects. A contributing editor at STQA Magazine, Matt is an elected member of the board of directors for the Association for Software Testing, has been a part-time instructor of information systems at Calvin College, and recently served as lead editor for “How to Reduce the Cost of Software Testing” (Taylor and Francis, 2011). You can follow Matt on twitter at mheusser or email him