Track: Specialized Application Test Environments
We are about to take a next step in evolution and testers have to take this step too! On August 17th 2010 popular magazine WIRED declared that the “The web is dead. Long live the internet.” What the authors, Chris Anderson and Michael Wolff, actually meant is that websites and web browsers are no longer the usual center of the computing world. Instead ubiquitous computing is the leading way forward. Ubiquitous computing is a post-desktop model of human-computer interaction in which information processing has been thoroughly integrated into everyday objects and activities. In practice, this currently means that people are using many new computational devices and systems simultaneously. This is done by mostly using mobile devices. Think of the Iphone, Android devices, the Ipad, portable gaming consoles and portable interactive TV.
This presentation will point out what opportunities and challenges ubiquitous computing will bring for test professionals. How can we test these mobile applications? What makes them different from traditional application testing? What risks are involved? What is the influence of API’s, cloud computing, SOA and mash up applications? And will quality attributes shift in importance? These questions will be discussed more questions will be raised on these topics.
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Session Speaker:
Eddy Bruin – Senior Test Consultant, Capgemini Netherlands
Eddy has been working as a test consultant within Capgemini from the beginning of 2008. Since then, he has been working for several clients like ING Bank and ING Investment Management. The combination of SOA, testing and his study in human centered multimedia made him interested in testing mobile applications, usability testing and cloud computing. He is a thought leader in mobile testing and constructing mobile test capabilities of Capgemini Financial services in the Netherlands. Currently he is a core team member of Capgemini’s exertgroup Cloud computing and testing and is part of the usability testing group at TestNet NL.