Track: Performance Testing
Most performance testers spend the majority of their time hunting down bottlenecks in the server-side of the system under testing. But more than a few of you have probably noticed that the resource utilization on the client has gone exponential! That’s right – the fat client is back!
This presentation will cover new approaches which aim to achieve two critically important goals for testing:
- Overcome the obstacles of complex client test automation especially for performance testing tools and
- Free up more time for testers to spend designing more complex tests and driving developers to fix the bugs.
We will discuss the whole new generation of automated testing tools which capture the intent and effects of the testers’ keystrokes and mouse clicks; a kind of behavioral automation. These new tools not only reveal what these interactive events mean, but it may even change the events themselves as the application dynamically changes. The implications for time and cost efficiency are tremendous. The presenter will walk attendees step by step through the interactive aspects of a Web 2.0 site to illustrate exactly how a modern automation tool captures the interactions of an end user, and how sophisticated algorithms work to convert that action into more flexible and “intelligent” scripting. Testers will learn how they can improve their own automation skills, how to optimize the time they spend on analysis and critical thinking, rather than buried in automation script nightmares. We will learn what heuristics-based automation means for the future of testing.
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Session Speaker:
Mark Tomlinson – Director, Professional Services Delivery, Shunra Software
Mark Tomlinson has 18 years experience in the software technology industry. His introduction to application testing began with a comprehensive, 2-year test for a life-critical transportation system which thrust him into the forefront of software quality assurance and naturally test automation. In short, his job was to prevent trains from running into each other and he has metaphorically been preventing “train wrecks” for his customers for nearly 18 years since that time. He has extensive experience with real-world scenario testing of very large and complex systems. He is regarded as an expert and leader in software testing automation with specific emphasis in performance engineering.