Track: Test Strategy and Design
How long will it take? That question is often uncomfortable even for experienced software quality professionals. Together, we will examine the fundamental nature of test estimation. From there we will consider some unique stories and ideas that will inspire us to creatively think about specific actions that will allow each one of us to better respond to the question, “How long will it take?”.
What could the story of Sisyphus, Parkinson’s law and Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints possibly contribute to a practical discussion of software test estimation? What proven ideas can we tap from leading project management experts to improve our response to estimate requests? Is there some magic formula for effective testing estimation?
Join us to add some thinking tools to help you and your organization improve the way you work and work together.
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Session Speaker:
Matt Kallman – Project Manager and QA Director, Carnevale Interactive
A graduate of the Seidman College of Business at Grand Valley State University in West Michigan, Matt brings a variety of software project and product experiences to provide his current clients with success in their software projects. He is currently the Project Manager and QA Director for Carnevale Interactive, a design focused software development agency. He is based in their Grand Rapids, Michigan office. His work in software testing, test automation, process improvement and project management have benefited software projects ranging from web applications to compliance software for financial institutions.