S11-Keynote 4: Making The Right Choice: Leading Successful Teams During Turbulent Times

Track: Keynote Address

It’s difficult to have fun and stay passionate at work during stressful times. Your employees build stress after each change in the workplace. Although business today means surviving and thriving during a merger, layoff or the all encompassing restructuring it is possible to be successful. How do managers continue to motivate and energize employees during difficult times? Managers must help employees stay in the game; work in the moment; and take ownership of their happiness.

Joel Zeff leads the audience through a series of exercises that demonstrates how easy it is to continue working creatively, effectively and productively while dealing with change. This interactive and hilarious presentation will teach managers the importance of creating opportunity and giving positive support to their employees. Just as important, managers must allow employees to create ownership. Ownership and responsibility will allow the employee to care. And once the employee starts to care, the next step is passion.

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Session Speaker:

Joel ZeffJoel Zeff – Author, International Speaker & Consultant,
Joel Zeff’s spontaneous humor and vital messages have thrilled audiences for years. As a national speaker and humorist, Joel captivates audiences with a unique blend of hilarious improvisational comedy and essential ideas on work and life. Corporations and organizations nationwide seek him out to motivate and energize their employees.