F15-10/6: WORKSHOP: 21 Ways to Review Requirements Adequacy

Track/s: Strategy

Testing typically aims to confirm that code meets requirements; but most testing does little to detect requirements defects, which cause up to two-thirds of software errors. Organizations either don’t review requirements or over-rely on one or two weak methods that usually concentrate on clarity but don’t reveal wrong and overlooked requirements. This interactive session introduces 21 methods with increasingly greater power to build confidence requirements are clear, correct, and complete. Following the CAT-Scan Approach™, participants apply the techniques successively to a real case and discover how each different method reveals additional, ordinarily-missed requirements defects early, when they are easiest and least expensive to fix.

Workshop Takeaways:

  • Generally unrecognized weaknesses of the five ‘regular ways’ relied on for reviewing requirements.
  • Two foundation techniques that apply to and strengthen all the other ways to review requirements.
  • The most commonly-known and used methods that address format issues, such as clarity/testability.
  • More demanding, seldom-known techniques for revealing ordinarily-overlooked requirements.
  • Most demanding, least-known ways that detect incorrect and incomplete requirements.

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Session Speaker:

Robin Goldsmith – President, Go Pro Management, Inc.
Robin GoldsmithRobin Goldsmith, JD, is author of Discovering REAL Business Requirements for Software Project Success, the forthcoming book Putting Business Back into Business Analysis, numerous articles and featured presentations, and the Proactive Testing, Proactive SQA, REAL ROI, and Beyond the Textbook Software Acquisition methodologies. A subject expert on requirements and testing for TechTarget’s SearchSoftwareQuality.com and a subject expert and reviewer for the IIBA Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK v2), Robin works directly with and trains business and systems professionals in requirements analysis, quality and testing, software acquisition, project management and leadership, metrics, ROI, and process improvement.

Speaker Details:

Robin Goldsmith – President, Go Pro Management, Inc.
LinkedIn: Robin Goldsmith
Website: Go Pro Management