F15-10/5: WORKSHOP: Keys for Transitioning from Traditional to Agile Testing – Lessons from the Trenches

Track/s: Agile

It’s fairly hard to know what solid testing is all about within agile teams. What traditional practices are fine to continue, which ones need modification, and what totally new approaches are necessary. Moving from traditional to agile testing is often a high-wire balancing act to some degree with no clear direction.

In this session, Mary Thorn will share with you the critical lessons from teams she’s observed who’ve successfully made the transition. We’ll explore the requisite team skills, how to deal with agile requirements, the right strategies for developing agile automation, how to plan and test within your agile team, effective agile test metrics, and aspects of quality for agile teams. The lessons will be shared via real stories from real agile teams who have crossed this chasm—so no hypotheticals here.

Workshop Takeaways:

  • The keys in building or transitioning your teams towards agile—what skills and characteristics to look for.
  • The level of planning, execution, and reporting that is relevant for agile testing within teams.
  • The keys to building and maintaining a multi-tiered agile automation approach.
  • The central changes test leadership and management needs to make in order to support the transformation.
  • How important it is to move from a testing focus towards a quality focus; and strategies for doing it.

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Session Speaker:

Mary Thorn – Director of Software Test Engineering, Ipreo
Mary Thorn - Director of Software Test Engineering, IpreoChief Story Teller of the book “The Three Pillars of Agile Testing and Quality” written by Bob Galen, Mary Thorn is Director of Software Test Engineering at Ipreo in Raleigh, NC. Mary has a broad testing background that spans automation, data warehouses, and web-based systems in a wide variety of technologies and testing techniques. During her more than seventeen years of experience in healthcare, HR, financial, and SaaS-based products, Mary has held manager and contributor level positions in software development organizations. A strong leader in agile testing methodologies, she has direct experience leading teams through agile adoption and beyond.

Speaker Details:

Mary Thorn – Director of Software Test Engineering, Ipreo
Twitter: @MaryHThorn
Facebook: Mary Thorn
LinkedIn: Mary Thorn
Past Events: StarEast 2015, StarWest