F14-11/5: How Manual Testers Can Break into Test Automation

Track/s: Automation

The adoption of automated tests has not happened as quickly as organizations need. As more companies move to implement Agile Development as their software development lifecycle, more features are implemented to production quicker. This leaves less time for full regression testing of the system, but yet this still should occur. Manual testers need to transform into test automation testers as well. Test automation professionals are largely believed to have deep knowledge of a development scripting language. Many manual testers believe they have to learn a development language in addition to the functionality of the tool to be effective. Add to that the in-depth or SME knowledge one must-have for their system under test, along with development and management support required, and it may not seem clear where to start.

Session Takeaways:

  • How to look at the application differently from manual to automated testing
  • How to start in automation without a programming background
  • Where a manual tester should start with automation, such as test structure, object recognition and results interpretation

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Session Speaker:

Jim Trentadue – Account/Sales Manager, Ranorex
Jim TrentadueJim Trentadue has more than fifteen years of experience as a coordinator/manager in the software testing field. Jim’s various roles in testing have focused on test execution, test automation, test management, environment management, standards deployment, and test tool implementation. In the area of offshore testing, he has worked with several large firms on developing and coordinating cohesive relationships. As a speaker, Jim has presented at numerous industry conferences, chapter meetings, and at the University of South Florida’s software testing class, where he mentors students on the testing industry and discusses trends for establishing future job searches and continued training.

Speaker Details:

Jim Trentadue – Account/Sales Manager, Ranorex
LinkedIn: Jim Trentadue
Past Events: SQE STAREast Conference, IBM Software Development Conference, SQE Better Software/Agile Development Conference