F13-802: Automating Your Application Development Process to Resemble an Assembly Line

Track: Test Automation

Henry Ford developed the modern day assembly-line over 100 years ago, which was the catalyst for what we know now as our global economy. The key to this revolutionary idea was its simplicity; the concept was to automate the assembly process (the conveyor belt). In other words Ford didn”t address the fabrication of the car he address the process in which the car was manufactured in turn he was able to reduce the cost and increase the quality of the product. HP has taken the same approach to the application lifecycle development process. Within the software development lifecycle (SDLC) process, teams has become very specialized and highly effective within their area of expertise; however this has resulted in silos and teams being less effective when it comes to the complete SDLC process. HP believes by building-in automation, integration, real-time performance indicators and reliability into the complete SDLC process, IT organizations can focus on reducing costs and improving product quality.

Session Takeaways:

  • Entertaining insight to the SDLC process and how to identify and eliminate areas of contention within the application development process.
  • Mainly focusing on areas which are typically have been manually intensive and can be automated for smoother handoff allowing the elimination typical bottlenecks.

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Session Speaker:

Michael DeadyMichael Deady – Solutions Architect, Hewlett Packard
Michael Deady is a Pr. Consultant & Solution Architect for HP Professional Service and HP”s ALM Evangelist for IT Experts Community. He specializes in software development, testing, and security. Michael has over 20 years in IT industry, 15 of which have been in software development lifecycle management, and process development. For the last 3 years, he has been able to leverage this experience by aiding in the implementation of an enterprise test management solutions based on HP”s COE Model for the software development lifecycle process for client around the Americas and has recently taken on a lead position for worldwide application lifecycle management.