S13-305: Trends and Facts About Software Test Certification

Track: Leadership Perspectives for Testers

In this session, Rex Black will discuss the recent trends in software test certification, both nationally and internationally. He will discuss the rate of adoption of test certifications in the USA and worldwide. Rex will also describe the benefits and value of test certification, making a case for how increased knowledge and skills greatly lowers the cost of post-release defects.

Rex will also discuss the framework of the ISTQB test certification program and how it forms a structure for building testing knowledge from foundation level through advanced, and on to expert levels. You will leave with understanding of what makes ISTQB test certification unique, how to know if test certification is for you, and how to get started in test certification.”

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Session Speaker:

Rex BlackRex Black – President, RBCS
With a quarter-century of software and systems engineering experience, Rex Black is President of RBCS (www.rbcs-us.com), a leader in software, hardware, and systems testing. As the leader of RBCS, Rex is the most prolific author practicing in the field of software testing today. His popular first book, Managing the Testing Process, has sold over 40,000 copies around the world, including Japanese, Chinese, and Indian releases, and is now in its third edition. He has written over 30 articles, presented hundreds of papers, workshops, and seminars, and given about 50 keynotes and other speeches at conferences and events around the world. Rex is the immediate past President of the International Software Testing Qualifications Board and of the American Software Testing Qualifications Board.