S13-301: Become an Influential Tester

Track: Leadership Perspectives for Testers

Become the “Go To” tester. Being a great tester isn’t all about the technical side, you also need to enhance your influence and bug writing skills. Learn ways to be heard. This session will lead you through ways to increase their influence and leadership, regardless of your position. Using examples (good and bad) from 18 years of testing.
Much of testing is getting the right bug fixed at the right time. Learn ways to influence people by telling the right story. Build the right relationships to help influence change within your organization.

Learn ways to:

  • Influence changes in your organization, in order to improve quality in both the products and the team.
  • Eliminate the blame game from post mortems and develop key learnings instead.
  • Use past events to forge new process.
  • Express the risks or issues to different individuals to get results.
  • How to communicate with the organization.
  • Meet the challenges of being a test professional and the principles for leading down, up and across, regardless of your position in the organization.

Listen as Jane walks you through some key learning’s gained as a John Maxwell Certified Trainer, and discusses her time as a test lead.

Session Takeaways:

  • Ways to position yourself as a leader within your organization.
  • Ways to increase your influence.
  • Ways to report bugs to different people in order to be heard.

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Session Speaker:

Jane FraserJane Fraser – Test Director, Anki, Inc
Highly accomplished executive leader with 18+ progressive career spanning full range of software quality assurance, testing, and release management within robotics, web/e-commerce, telecommunications, desktop software, and cloud computing industries. Reputation for designing and reengineering testing and release processes to produce millions in cost savings while driving successful development and launch of high quality, revenue-generating products. Independent Certified Coach, Teacher and Speaker with The John Maxwell Team.