S13-105: But I Know what I Like – Abstraction is the Key to Automation

Track: Test Automation

Automation has the obvious benefits of making your tests faster, but that means nothing if managing your automation slows down your testing speed. A great way to maintain your testing speed is abstraction. So let’s talk about that, specifically for Selenium.

In this session we’ll discuss how abstracting away your infrastructure can give you faster results, AND how abstracting away your test scripts can give you more readable, maintainable tests.

We’ll discuss Selenium remote operations and options, as well as the benefits remote work gives you. We’ll take a look at some options for abstracting your test scripts, and have a bit of a chat about working with developers so everyone can benefit.

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Session Speaker:

Dylan LaceyDylan Lacey – Ruby Evangelist, Sauce Labs
Dylan Lacey has worked as a developer and test automator since his career began 6 years ago. A qualified engineer, he believes that automation frees up humans to do what they do best: solve problems.

His career has spanned Government organisations, small start-ups, medium sized private enterprises and mixes of the above. He’s worked in transport, information services, law, publishing, web development and developer tools, and has formed some pretty strong opinions about development and testing along the way.

Dylan works at Sauce Labs helping Rubyists and their friends get their Selenium tests running quickly and often, and loves it.