S12-504: Where’d My GUI Go? Testing APIs

Track: Test Automation

This session will be a survey of testing various types of APIs with non-GUI tools. We’ll cover testing of REST and SOAP APIs, and walk through some sample automation using Python and Ruby.

Topics covered will include:

  • a brief overview of a SOAP API and a REST API
  • a discussion of tools and libraries available in python and ruby
  • your first API call
  • logging and debugging
  • assertions and checks
  • techniques for simple data driven tests

Please note that this session is intended for people with basic familiarity with scripting.

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Session Speaker:

Catherine PowellCatherine Powell – Principal, Abakas
Catherine Powell is a principal at Abakas, a software consulting company. Catherine has been testing and managing testers and development teams for about 10 years. She has worked with a broad range of software, including an enterprise storage system, a web-based healthcare system, data synchronization applications on mobile devices, and web apps of various flavors. She is an author, speaker, and a mentor to engineers and technical managers. Catherine focuses primarily on the realities of shipping software in small and mid-size companies. Catherine’s published works, blog, and contact information can be found at www.abakas.com.