S12-305: Mobile Ecosystems and Their Impact on Testing

Track: Mobile Testing

The mobile industry is relatively immature in terms of techniques, development practices and tools. The nature of the industry is in constant flux with new devices, browser and operating system versions being released constantly. Mobile testers have to keep device, browser and OS combinations in mind with multiple IDEs and testing tools to come up with risk assessment and test approaches. Should they be testing on an emulator Vs physical device, which physical devices should be targeted, which browsers and rendering engines need to be within scope are some of the ideas this session will explore. Testing tool options for both native and mobile web applications will also be provided. Evaluating tools and building training programs are some of the items which will be covered. The general skill level of mobile application testers is slightly higher. For instance, available testing tools expect access to application source code; understanding of ecosystems (Eclipse /Android SDK, Xcode/iOS SDK etc) is required; and knowledge of browsers and different rendering engines with their effect on how pages are rendered is essential. This session will provide a framework to manage all these dimensions of mobile testing.

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Session Speaker:

Uday ThonangiUday Thonangi – Software Test Engineer Lead, Progressive Insurance
Uday Thonangi has over 10 years experience testing applications built for client server, AS400 and mobile. He has over a year experience testing, training, setting up processes, building test environments and evaluating tools for mobile applications. He has built test harnesses using Objective C (for iOS) and Java (for Android). He has trained multiple testers on how to test mobile applications, mentored and evangelized risk assessment and test approach construction for mobile apps. Progressive has multiple applications built for native (iOS and Android) and mobile web. Uday is the Solutions Architect for establishing an Enterprise Mobile Testing Capability Roadmap.