S11-803: Bean Counting for Propeller Heads: A Lesson on Risk-Based Performance Testing

Track: Performance Testing

The concept of risk-based software testing is not new. Software test practitioners have long recognized that prioritization based on risk assists selection from innumerable potential test cases, and frequently adopt strategies inspired by principles of enterprise risk management. Unfortunately, an opportunity is missed when software testers only consider rudimentary risk evaluation principles and not the well-proven business structures and practices that have evolved in professions with a richer risk management experience. Performance testing can benefit greatly from such experience. In this session, you will receive valuable performance testing advice from a veteran financial auditor. The result of this advice is a simple but effective approach which can give direction to test strategy, build knowledge, and prove value.

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Session Speaker:

Matthew SullivanMatthew Sullivan – Performance Quality Control Engineer, Wolters Kluwer
Matthew Sullivan has fifteen years experience as a software tester, developer and support engineer. For the past ten years he has been a support engineer and performance test lead with PricewaterhouseCoopers, a leader in financial auditing and attest services. He has recently been hired by leading global information services and publishing company Wolters Kluwer as the Performance Quality Control Engineer for CCH TeamMate, a software suite for performing risk-based internal audits widely used by governments and businesses. Matthew has a Master of Science in Software Engineering from Regis University with research in performance driven development of .NET applications.