S11-402: Performance Testing: Putting Cloud Customers Back in the Driver’s Seat

Track: Test Environments

Today, cloud service providers’ SLAs are incomplete, woefully inadequate and far too generic in addressing specific application and service performance requirements for individual business customers. Businesses need to demand more relevant, performance-focused SLAs from their cloud service providers. Currently, cloud SLAs are a work in progress and will evolve only when customers demand them. The onus for testing, measuring and validating performance lies with testers at the businesses considering or using cloud services. Determine exactly why you are using the cloud and articulate performance requirements. Testers need to commit to ongoing, rigorous performance testing. Monitoring the performance of any vendor can take extra time and money, attend and learn solutions that can make testing faster and easier, as well as more comprehensive, cost-effective and reflective of the true end-user experience. Learn performance tests and measurements that can be the key to creating SLAs that drive greater confidence and wider adoption of cloud computing for mission-critical applications. The solutions introduced will help businesses derive the flexibility, scalability, cost and management benefits they seek while remaining active participants in guaranteeing performance.

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Session Speaker:

Paul CzarnikPaul Czarnik – Chief Technology Officer, Compuware Corporation
As Compuware Chief Technology Officer, Paul provides leadership for the company’s technical strategy and innovation delivery. A programmer at heart, Paul has spent his career focused on technical performance, coding everything from music-keyboard controllers to medical-laboratory interfaces. Paul leads a team of ‘proficient and prolific’ consultants who deliver world-class Compuware innovation to customers around the world.

Paul is a past board-member of the Eclipse Foundation and currently serves on the Boards of the Mobile Technology Association of Michigan and Motown Museum.