S11-102: Automating the Automation

Track: Test Automation

Why Automate the Automation? Building automated test scripts requires an investment of time and manual effort that often eventually has to be seriously modified when the application under test progresses on its development path. The application, its interfaces, and the data driven through the business processes can undergo continuous change. Usually, however, the general business processes implemented by the application stay relatively the same. The concepts presented in this session focus on new and proven strategies to automatically generate automation test scripts that can be changed to accommodate the ongoing cycles of development most applications undergo. Automate the Automation strategies are based on planning, logic, and computer processing power to output all the scripts necessary to perform a given testing task. With the right combination of putting together code generation logic with snippets and inputs and outputs, the test scripts as a finished product can be regenerated with updates in a matter of minutes, rather than hours and days. Strategies learned in this session can be applied to unit testing, functional and regression testing, database conversion and migration testing, as well as interface testing, and even performance testing.

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Session Speaker:

Matthew KruseMatthew Kruse – SQA Automation Architect, SquareTwo Financial
Matthew has 15 years of experience and personal growth as an Automation Test Specialist, with the first several based upon conventional approaches including common libraries, keyword driven frameworks, and record & playback techniques. A combination of new challenges and tedious, time consuming tasks provided motivation for change, as well as providing a new mindset to boost productivity. His motivation is complimented by ingenuity, awareness of consequence, and needs to present proposals that fit within client budgets. The result of this is an advantage to providing a consistent, higher quality product within the same amount of time as the competition.