F12 – Pre-Con 1: Mobile Test Automation

Track: Pre-Conference Workshop

In this full-day workshop, you will leave with the skills and tools to begin implementing your mobile functional test automation strategy. SOASTA’s Fred Beringer and Brad Johnson will walk you through the basics:

  • Creating your plan of “What to Test”
  • Enabling a mobile app to be testable
  • Capturing your first test cases
  • Setting validations and error conditions
  • Running and executing mobile functional test cases
  • Fun and Games: Mobile Test Automation Hackathon!

Attendees will be provided free access and credentials to the CloudTest platform for this session. Tests will be built and executed using attendees’ own IOS or Android mobile devices, so come with your smartphones charged and ready to become part of the STPCon Fall Mobile Device Test Cloud!

Download Presentation
Please Note: The presentations are intended for attendees only. The presentations page is password protected – contact info@softwaretestpro.com for verification of attendance and the password to access the presentation.

Session Speakers:

Fred BeringerFred Beringer – Vice President, Product Management, SOASTA
Fred Beringer is Vice President Business Development at SOASTA. He has 15 years of software development and testing experience, managing large organizations responsible to develop software and application for large financial services and telecommunications customers. Mr. Beringer was Software Testing and QA director for Experian Decision Analytics where he built and led a worldwide organization responsible to test all existing and new products within the Decision Analytics portfolio

Brad JohnsonBrad Johnson – VP Product and Channel Marketing, SOASTA
Brad Johnson has been supporting testers since the turn of the last century as head of monitoring and test products at Compuware, Mercury Interactive and Borland. He joined the front lines of the Testing Renaissance in 2009 when he signed on with SOASTA to deliver cloud testing on the CloudTest platform to a skeptical and established software testing market. Now, with the experience of tens-of-thousands of tests and hundreds of companies embracing the CloudTest – and using the same for mobile test automation – he’s helping expand the horizons of testers everywhere.