F12 – 702: Dependencies Gone Wild: Testing Composite Applications

Track: Test Strategy, Process and Design

The move to SOA and composite applications has undeniably delivered tremendous benefits. However, the associated distribution and reuse creates various challenges from the quality perspective.

With many dependencies relying on a centralized endpoint to complete their business processes, it becomes essential that this component always work as expected. Additionally, the fragmentation of system or endpoint ownership (or control) shifts how individuals, third parties, and dependent applications must access and evolve their systems. Moreover, ensuring the quality of the system under test is complicated by the following factors:
End-to-end tests need to pass through multiple dependent systems, which are commonly unavailable, evolving, or difficult-to-access for testing.
Accessing such systems often involves transaction and bandwidth fees.
Teams need to test and tune the system under test against a realistic and broad range of performance and behavior conditions.

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Session Speaker:

Wayne AriolaWayne Ariola – VP of Strategy, Parasoft
Wayne Ariola is Vice President of Strategy and Corporate Development at Parasoft, a leading provider of integrated software development management, quality lifecycle management, and dev/test environment management solutions. He leverages customer input and fosters partnerships with industry leaders to ensure that Parasoft solutions continuously evolve to support the ever-changing complexities of real-world business processes and systems. Ariola has more than 15 years of strategic consulting experience within the technology and software development industries. He holds a BA from the University of California at Santa Barbara and an MBA from Indiana University.