F12 – 105: Test Like a Ninja: Hands-On Quick Attacks

Track: Hands-On Practicals

In this session, we’ll talk about quick attacks – small tests that can be done rapidly to find certain classes of bugs. These tests are easy to run and require little to no upfront planning, which makes them ideal for quickly getting feedback on your application under test. In this session, we’ll briefly talk about what quick tests are and then dive into specific attacks, trying them on sample applications (or maybe even some real applications!). This is a hands-on session, so bring a laptop or pair with someone who has one, and try these techniques live in the session!

Session Takeaways:

  • A knowledge of some quick tests that you can use immediately in your own testing
  • Specific tools and techniques to execute these quick tests
  • Experience executing the quick tests
  • References for further exploration of quick tests and how they can be applied.

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Session Speaker:

Andy Tinkham – Principal Consultant, Magenic
Andy is an expert consultant, focusing on all aspects of quality and software testing (but most of all, test automation). He has worked in the industry for 15 years, for companies as small as 35 total employees and as large as Microsoft. Currently, he consults for a Magenic (http://www.magenic.com), a leading provider of .NET and testing services. You can find him on Twitter at @andytinkham and read the blog he co-authors with his wife at http://www.testerthoughts.com.