F12 – 1001: Quick, Easy & Useful Performance Testing: No Tools Required

Track: Hands-On Practicals

When most people think of performance testing, they think about the hard parts – the very hard parts. They think about the expensive and complicated tools that are required to simulate the activity of thousands of end-users all at the same time, while collecting tens or hundreds of thousands of measurements.

In reality, many performance issues can be detected and diagnosed with exactly the tools and knowledge you already have at your disposal using information obtained from quick, easy and cheap performance tests. In fact, much of the performance related information that stakeholders need to make good decisions and development teams need to dramatically improve system performance is easily obtainable by the performance-testing layman.

In this hands-on tutorial, Scott Barber will introduce you to several techniques that the performance testing layperson can use to speed up and simplify the collection of valuable performance-related information; many of which you can use during the tutorial to test your current website if it’s accessible from the classroom.

Session Takeaways:

  • What performance testing can be done quickly & easily
  • The resources necessary to do it
  • The experience of having done it

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Please Note: The presentations are intended for attendees only. The presentations page is password protected – contact info@softwaretestpro.com for verification of attendance and the password to access the presentation.

Session Speaker:

Scott BarberScott Barber – CTO, PTP
Scott Barber is the Chief Technologist of PerfTestPlus, Co-Founder of the Workshop on Performance and Reliability, and co-author of Performance Testing Guidance for Web Applications, Beautiful Testing, and Reducing the Cost of Testing (July 2011). Scott thinks of himself as a tester and trainer of testers who has a passion for software system performance.