F11-Key-5: In-The-Wild Testing: Your Survival May Depend Upon It

Track: Keynote

Just like the Amazon Rainforest has millions of acres yet to be explored, the potential of “in the wild” testing has yet to be tapped. As a technology executive, you have finite resources to achieve an ever expanding set of responsibilities. And while budgets tighten, the pace and pressure to deliver testing results increases. All of this occurs at a time when your customers are using your applications from an infinite set of devices, configurations and environments.

While your internal resources may be finite, there are tens of thousands of professional testers all over the world representing the same, vast variety of your end user base. The question isn’t whether you should tap into this resource, but rather, how long can companies attempt to satisfy a diverse user base while testing only “in the lab”?

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Session Speaker:

Matt JohnstonMatt Johnston – CMO, uTest
Matt has more than a decade of technology, product & marketing experience at companies ranging from startups to global enterprises, areas of testing.