F10 – 804: Acceptance Test Driven Development

Track: Agile Testing

One of the major challenges that the testing team faces in an agile environment is that all requirements are not and will not be specified at the start of the project. This requires testers to incorporate measures to address a high rate of changes in requirements and respond to changes in short iterations. Join C.V Narayanan (CVN) as he explains the process of ‘Acceptance Test Driven Development’ which helps testers in tackling this challenge and succeed in the agile environment. As part of the Acceptance Test Driven Development process, he will explain the process of creating acceptance check points, regression across these check points, associated risks and mitigation plans. Then CVN will explore the various automation possibilities using tools in agile environment. By leveraging test driven development, the testers can make a major difference to their agile projects and succeed. During the session, CVN will cover the impact of ATDD on all the three critical factors of the IT project; People, Process and Technology.

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Session Speaker:

C.V. NarayananC.V. Narayanan – Vice President Testing Practice and Web Technologies, Sonata Software
C .V. Narayanan (CVN) heads the Managed Testing and Web Technologies division at Sonata. He previously managed the consulting group responsible for servicing customers in the US and Europe in varied technologies such as .NET, Java, Business intelligence Solutions, and Mainframe. With a cumulative experience of more than twenty years in various areas of software testing and quality assurance, CVN has been spearheading various QA initiatives within Sonata. Key among them are establishing various Centers of Excellence (CoE) in the areas of test automation, business process testing, agile testing, security, performance testing, and ERP testing. CVN has been a keynote speaker and presenter in various reputed testing events & forums. Most recently, CVN was the keynote speaker in the Star East 2010. He presented on the topic “Acceptance Test Driven development”. CVN is also an invited speaker at “HP Software & Solutions and ISQT Conference on Security & Performance Testing”, held in India, and Eurostar 2010. CVN has also been an active participant in several Microsoft TechEd forums and sessions and has been contributing proactively in these gatherings.