F10 – 102: Effective Test Planning: Preparing for Success

Track: Test Strategy & Process

While many organizations are moving toward more Agile based development practices, most test managers and test leads are still asked by upper level management to deliver a test plan explaining what will be tested, how long it will take, and how many people and resources will be required. Unfortunately, the answer, “We’ll test as much as we can.” just doesn’t work most of the time. In this presentation, we will cover the test planning process step by step – investigating useful and proven methods for identifying the testing scope, assessing risks that may impact testing, prioritizing test activities, and estimating resources. A review of the common format of the test plan and the important sections of this pre-test execution document will also be included. The following concepts will be taught as a part of this presentation:

  • Identify the most important areas of the application to test
  • Understand ways to quickly assess the risk of failure associated with various components of the application
  • Learn to use a metrics-based method of estimating and scheduling test resources

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Session Speaker:

Shaun BradshawShaun Bradshaw – VP of Consulting Services, Zenergy Technologies
Shaun Bradshaw has spent the last 12 years working with a variety of clients to improve their QA and test processes by advising, teaching, and mentoring them on the use of effective testing and test management techniques. He is the co-author, editor, and trainer of a suite of methodologies covering testing, test management, and test metrics. Shaun speaks at many of the major industry conferences and is well known for his presentations on test metrics, the S-Curve, and the Zero Bug Bounce. Shaun is a graduate of the UNCG with a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems.